There are 22 days left of school. Ack!
So much to do in so little time. We started our alphabet countdown on Tuesday. So far we’ve had A (art extra), B (bonbons), C (cache-cache dans le noir) and D (dodgeball). Monday is E (English Day & EQAO)…. etc. (The last day of school is Z – zip les sacs à dos)
Things that need to happen between now and my champagne birthday (which also happens to be the last day of school this year – June 29th.)
– EQAO (3 days worth of provincial testing for my grade 3s)
– Submitting assessment data for term 3
– Our class trip to Medieval Times and the CN Tower in Toronto (with the English 3/4s)
– school Track & Field meet for junior/intermediates (I am co-organizing)
– board Track & Field meet (I am chaperoning)
– Primary Play Day (T&F for the primaries – and since I have a 3/4 split….)
– Our school production (Doo-Wop Wed Widing Hood!) – two nights (and final rehearsals and final prop/costume making!) (I am co-directing/producing/prop making/set design etc)
– Our Medieval Fair (with the English 3/4s)
– a couple of Assemblies (including a going away assembly for Father Peter)
– a couple of masses
– I imagine there will be a talent show of some sort (my kids seem to think that they’ll organize it)
– class movies: stop-motion animations and math videos
– Father’s Day art
– one more math PD
(oh, and do my regular subject teaching!)
What seems to be a crazy time of year (which it is), it is also my absolute favourite time of year. Everything comes together, the sun is shining and the kids are smarter. The end of the year is much like a giant culminating task at the end of a unit. Designed with the end in mind.