Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Week

It seems as if we never left. One week in. I have 10 new little darlings, and 8 leftover from last year. I have 3 boys. Many of them are very shy – that however, may be a result of my students last year scaring the incoming grade 3s. Insisting that I throw chairs when I get mad. haha.
I have been trying a new way to “structure” my Reading Workshop – based on the Daily 5 and Café Menu. It seems to be going well. I have never modeled a strategy so explicitly in my life. I was laughing the entire time in my head- but they seem to have gotten it.
The best part is that after I modeled how to “Check for Understanding” (or on our strategy board – “Arrête et pense à ce qui est déjà arrivé”), I noticed some of the kids are actually using it when they are reading independently! They read a bit of their books, physically close the book, close their eyes (lifting their head) and remembering what they just read. They smile, then reopen the book. So hilarious.
Tomorrow I will model how to choose a “good fit” book with shoes.

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