Sunday, May 6, 2018

Inquiry-Based Learning in French Immersion: Part 4

For the 2017-2018 school year, our school was awarded a grant for The Teacher Learning and Leadership Program (TLLP).

TLLP Goal #3
Find and put into action French resources suitable for FI students to use during the inquiry-based learning process.

The following items are French resources I use. 

  • I became a DELF “correctrice” this past summer through the Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques (CIEP) which allows me to administer and score DELF tests for our board. I use my knowledge of the A1 qualifiers to drive my classroom listening and speaking instruction - with a focus on asking questions.
  • I ordered a variety of non-fiction texts for my classroom with our TLLP grant to engage and pull new questions out for and by my students. They primarily connect to grade 2-3 Science and Social Studies expectations
  • Local High School classes created some high-interest fact sheets for our students for reading and listening - related to   lists of interests our students provided to them. 
  • I created my own fact sheets for students to use during Controlled Inquiry projects in order to ensure they could  read the facts and to avoid “translating stuff on the Internet”
  • I was part of a team who has been creating a new Writing Tool for French Immersion teachers that  connects the CEFR qualifiers to the Achievement Chart of the Ontario Curriculum. This tool will help assess a variety of different writing tasks suitable for inquiry-based learning. The members of our TLLP project have been piloting this assessment tool
  • I continue to use GB+ Trousse for Reading assessments and co-created success criteria for speaking and listening assessments. This continuum guide has been very useful to me. I use evidence of Conversation, Observations and Products to assess and evaluate my students.

TLLP Goal #4
Share what we learn with French immersion teachers within our school and school board who would be interested in learning how inquiry-based learning and technology can be implemented in their classrooms.
As a whole, the TLLP project has been a very rewarding experience. I was given a lot of time to reflect on my current practices and to try new things. We were able to regularly collaborate with our French Immersion colleagues and had a generous grant to purchase things for our classrooms. 

If you have any additional questions, please visit our TLLP blog: You can also email me

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