Tuesday, August 17, 2010


in our classroom, how do we….
answer the phone? behave/sit in assemblies? go to the bathroom? get a drink? eat lunch/snacks? use agendas? use computer lab? use classroom library? listen to instructions? get dismissed? enter/leave the classroom? get attention? react to visitors? act during lit block/math block/etc? walk in the hallway? behave during indoor recess? listen to announcements? manage our lunchboxes? sharpen pencils? know where to sit/work? recycle? work in groups? make up work missed?
I went to school today. They were waxing my floor, so I cannot get in until next week probably. A little behind schedule this summer – new bricks, new walls, new paint job, new windows and SMARTboards for the entire school.
I have a lot of cleaning to do.