Monday, March 19, 2012

One month in

I am back to the land of hilarious grade 3 teeth and crazy eyeball glasses.
My kids are lovely, my classroom has been made over and I have received lots of love from my co-workers.
I’ve organized the science fair, gotten back into the arts scene, taught my kids the writing process and done some mad assessments in the past month (and snuck in a March Break.)
I’m baaaaaack!
I  love teaching. If you read my blog before Eli was born, you’d have noticed that I have a passion for it. My dream job really. My co-workers are awesome. We laugh and laugh and laugh together (and cry and commiserate together too).  I get dressed up and wear make-up and fancy shoes and not have to carry around a diaper bag. I feel really confident and happy. I get to be “Mme” and “Lindsay” for a few hours and let go of “Maman” (although students occasionally slip and call me mom). I’m not crawling around on the floor picking up dropped cheerios, making sure the toilet seat is down and plants are out of reach.  I also get a break from trying to change a dirty diaper in warp speed before Eli squirms away on me. Going back to work has also gotten me out of my lazy rut and I no longer feel like a cleaning lady. I love spending time with my baby, but I truly feel that I am a better mom to Eli when I am being fulfilled in other areas of my life. The best part of my day is coming home to my sweet baby. His face lightens up when he hears my voice and he crawls with all his might to me for a big hug and snuggle all night long. My priorities are different. I don’t spend my evenings planning for school, instead I spend time with my family.
There are some things I really miss about Maternity leave (besides being with my wee boy all day). Waking up before 9am is really hard. Especially with a baby all snuggled up next to you. I really miss my morning (and afternoon) nap. I also really miss my impromptu visits with my best friends and their baked goods.

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